
Showing posts from October, 2021

Scum hacks

 Hello, everyone! What do you know about a hotfix after a patch? You know we won't let you down, so let's go: Bug fixes Fixed the bug that Puppets could not take fall damage. Fixed the bug that admin drones could display prisoners in the HUD. Fixed the bug that rain collectors disappear like normal items when they are out of range. The error that the Desert Eagle .50 malfunction did not work with a jammed cartridge case has been fixed. The bug that rain collectors in chests displayed incorrect consumption figures has been fixed. QOL Fishing reels can now be repaired using toolboxes. When entering a zone, the name of the region is now displayed instead of the configuration name. Rain collectors no longer lose their shelf life when you drink from them. Scum hacks

Scum hacks

 The winner in the small business category of the City of Zagreb comes from the gaming industry. Gamepire's Game Development Studio is best known for the success of the SCUM survival game, which sold 250,000 units in the first 24 hours of its release and over a million copies in three weeks. Zagreb City Deputy Mayor Luka Korlaet pointed out that the earthquake, pandemic and rising energy and material prices had a strong impact on the economy. But he is confident of further growth and development. "I believe that with the power of your own vision you will continue to contribute to the good of our community". “Despite the pandemic, our business people have proven to be more resilient than people thought. Zagreb County has supported its economy heavily through grants. That will also be the case in the next term of office, "said the deputy prefect of the Zagreb district, Ervin Kolarec. The President of the Zagreb Chamber of Commerce, Vitomir Klasić, congratulated the mos...

Scum hacks

  For the perfect game experience of a survival game, Tomislva Pongrac carried out various self-experiments to find out how the metabolism reacts to different nutritional states. He consumed a greatly reduced amount of calories for months, then ate extremely much again and also had a very unhealthy diet. For a short period of time he was also completely starved. The nutrition monitor on the right shows the player information about calorie requirements and consumption, as well as details about nutritional requirements and body functions. (Scum // Devolver Digital) In Scum, food intake and metabolism are important elements of the game. This applies to most survival games, but in Scum it is not enough to eat and drink regularly, it also depends on what you eat and drink. If the player eats too one-sidedly and there is a lack of nutrients from certain foods, deficiency symptoms occur and his character becomes weaker. If the player only eats unhealthy things and that without a break, he...

Scum hacks

 SCUM is one of those games that allow a physical adaptation of your own character, but are subject to certain conditions. Certain physical characteristics also influence the character's ability in the game - both positively and negatively. The developers have a bit of an out-of-the-box chat about character creation here: SCUM: Developer Diary for Character Creation The power grew to infinity In order to be able to live out freely, it is possible to choose a penis size for the male character according to your own wishes. However, a game with many possibilities also offers a lot of space for bugs. And that's exactly what happened with SCUM: each time they log in, the size of the players' minds continued to grow. And further. And further. Three penis bugs corrected According to Kotaku, the developers corrected a total of 16 different bugs with yesterday's update, three of which related to the figure's penis. For example, changing the size had no effect on the characte...

Scum hacks

 Getting started in SCUM is not exactly easy. Dangers lurk everywhere and the worst await you in the metabolism tab. Numerous numbers and values ​​overwhelm you here. If they are mostly red, that means nothing good. With normal food you fill the circles of vitamins and minerals. But meat and co. Are not always enough to influence every value in SCUM. What the developers thought behind the character creation and its influence in the gameplay of SCUM, you can see in the developer diary: SCUM: Developer Diary for Character Creation For example, you can get more vitamin D with mushrooms. And the tubers are also the ones that save your bum at the beginning when it comes to feeding you somehow. Because without a weapon it's bad to get meat. Therefore, you should look on the ground and eat mushrooms. In this guide we want to show you which plants are poisonous and which you can safely swallow. We'll also explain to you how you can counteract a vitamin D deficiency. Scum hacks

Scum hacks

 Small tips for quick FPS improvements Before we start to change files and config files, we'll show you little tricks on how you can get a few FPS out. At this point we are already assuming that you have updated all of your drivers. For example, owners of Nvidia graphics cards should open Nvidia Experience and look for new drivers. Deactivating the Steam overlay in the game can also work wonders. To do this, open the Steam settings and then select the In-Game tab. Deactivate the checkmark for the steam overlay in SCUM here. Of course, you should also use the game's graphics settings and turn SCUM down here if the game stutters for you. If you want to see success quickly, adjust the graphics presetting. If you set the texture quality, dynamic shadow quality and the visibility lower, that can already have a lot. However, some options are not displayed in the in-game settings, which is why we have to look at the SCUM config file in the next section. You shouldn't miss these 18...

Scum hacks

 If you play in SCUM's single player mode or if you own a server on which you play with friends, you can use the cheats and console commands. The developers stated in a Steam discussion that they want to expand the admin commands - after all, the game is still in the Early Access phase. The list can expand a bit. The developers themselves tell you in their Dev Diary what you should consider when creating and optimizing characters: SCUM: Developer Diary for Character Creation For this reason, some item and character codes are already accessible that are not actually available in the game. As always, the following applies to these cheats for SCUM: Use at your own risk! The IDs and cheat codes for items and NPCs can be found on the next page. SCUM: This is how you can open the console Before you can enjoy the cheats in SCUM, you have to open the console first. It's easy: press T on your keyboard. That opens the chat. Here you enter all upcoming PC cheats. They start with a hash si...

scum hacks

 SCUM can look forward to a good first week after the start of the Early Access phase. The developers have sold more than 700,000 copies of the survival game. But as life is played like this, something has to go wrong exactly when things are going well. In the course of a server wipe that was not previously announced, all online characters were completely deleted from SCUM. “In order to activate saving for single player, we had to change the saving format. This means that all characters on all servers have been deleted. We apologize for this inconvenience and strive to ensure that such wipes occur as little as possible. Please do not forget that the game is still in a strong development phase and things like this can happen. " Steam: The 9 Most Useful Tools and ExtensionsSteam: The 9 Most Useful Tools and Extensions Start the photo gallery Steam: The 9 Most Useful Tools and Extensions This is particularly frustrating as it doesn't just mean losing the character's equipment...

Scum hacks

 ЧТО ВЫ В ЭТОМ ДЕЛАЕТЕ? Большую часть времени вы будете тратить на попытки вытащить из шеи чип слежения, который используется для наблюдения за вами, а затем на попытки убежать. Но для этого нужно следить за здоровьем и управлять им, собирать снаряжение и создавать материалы, избегать случайных зомби, сражаться с другими… Scum hacks

scum hacks

Да! Вы находитесь в шкуре заключенного, пойманного в ловушку на тюремном острове. Довольно быстро становится ясно, что ваш приговор превращается в своего рода кровавый спорт для телезрителей. Однако ваше путешествие по выяснению того, кто это делает и как их остановить, чревато опасностями. Мало того, что заключенных побуждают убивать друг друга за свою свободу, таинственные контролеры манипулируют и саботируют мир вокруг вас. Не говоря уже о том, что вы должны выжить в природе и во всех ее опасностях. Scum hacks

scum hacks

 GIBT ES EINE GESCHICHTE? Jawohl! Sie schlüpfen in die Rolle eines Häftlings, der auf einer Gefängnisinsel gefangen ist. Es wird ziemlich schnell klar, dass Ihre Strafe in eine Art Blutsport für die Fernsehöffentlichkeit verwandelt wird. Ihre Reise, um herauszufinden, wer dies tut und wie Sie sie aufhalten können, ist jedoch voller Gefahren. Die Insassen werden nicht nur dazu angeregt, sich gegenseitig für ihre Freiheit zu töten, sondern die mysteriösen Kontrolleure manipulieren und sabotieren die Welt um Sie herum. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass Sie auch die Natur mit all ihren Gefahren überleben müssen. Scum hacks

Scum hacks

 WAS IST SCUM? Gamepires und Croteam beschreiben SCUM als „ein Open-World-Survival-Spiel mit beispiellosem Maß an Charakteranpassung, Kontrolle und Fortschritt“. Sie liegen nicht falsch. Auf der Oberfläche sieht es aus wie etwas, das Sie schon einmal gesehen haben. Aber sobald man sich mit den Systemen beschäftigt, wird einem klar, dass es noch viel mehr ist. Das Mikromanagement ist auf einem schwer nachvollziehbaren Niveau. Scum hacks

scum hacks

 МАСШТАБ И ПОТОК Телекорпорации вселенной SCUM, должно быть, катятся в ней. Частный остров шоу - это 144 квадратных километра густого леса, заброшенных городов, бывших аэродромов и прекрасных пляжей. «Я считаю, что это самая большая карта, созданная на Unreal Engine 4, - говорит программист Томислав Орескович. «Эта карта вымышленная, но она основана на хорватском ландшафте, хорватской флоре и фауне». Gamepires и Croteam упорно трудились, чтобы покрыть это обширное пространство разнообразным и интересным ландшафтом. Остров разделен на три биома - прибрежный рай Средиземноморья, пышные континентальные леса и скалистые горы. Scum hacks

Scum hacks

 Selbst wenn Sie etwas falsch machen, sind die Systeme von SCUM möglicherweise nicht so bestrafend, wie sie klingen. „Da dies alles auf dem wirklichen Leben basiert, werden Sie nicht sterben, wenn Ihre Energie oder Flüssigkeitszufuhr niedrig wird oder auf Null fällt“, sagt Oreskovic. „Dein Charakter wird leiden, du wirst schwächer sein und Schmerzen haben. Aber du wirst noch einige Zeit leiden können, bevor es dir wirklich schlecht geht.“ Ehrlich gesagt, ist es eine Erleichterung, endlich ein Überlebensspiel zu finden, das meine reichlichen Reserven an gespeichertem Fett als den Vorteil anerkennt, den sie wirklich sind. Verhungern kann so leicht töten wie ein Messer, weißt du, also gib die Kekse weiter. SCUM ist im Early Access verfügbar. Die Entwicklung von Unreal Engine 4 ist jetzt kostenlos. In dieser gesponserten Serie untersuchen wir, wie Spieleentwickler die Unreal Engine 4 nutzen, um eine neue Generation von PC-Spielen zu entwickeln. Mit Dank an Epic Games, Gamepires und Cro...

scum hacks

Die Fernsehkonzerne des SCUM-Universums müssen darin rollen. Die Privatinsel der Show besteht aus 144 Quadratkilometern dichtem Wald, verlassenen Städten, ehemaligen Flugplätzen und wunderschönen Stränden. „Ich glaube, dies ist die bisher größte Karte, die mit Unreal Engine 4 erstellt wurde“, sagt Spieleprogrammierer Tomislav Oreskovic. „Diese Karte ist fiktiv, basiert aber auf der kroatischen Landschaft, der kroatischen Flora und Fauna.“ Gamepires und Croteam haben hart gearbeitet, um diesen riesigen Raum mit abwechslungsreichem und interessantem Terrain abzudecken. Die Insel ist im Großen und Ganzen in drei Biome unterteilt – ein mediterranes Küstenparadies, üppige kontinentale Wälder und felsige Berge. Unreal Engine 4 gewährt Entwicklern Zugriff auf ihren Code, mit dem sie nach Belieben herumspielen können. „Wir haben den Motor wirklich modifiziert“, sagt Oreskovic. „Wir verwenden auch viele Plug-Ins, aber wir haben sie selbst modifiziert, um sie für unsere eigenen Bedürfnisse zu op...

Scum hacks

   SCUM HACKS, CHEATS  Scum Hacks  Private SCUM Cheat with aimbot, No recoil, FlyHack, as well with wallhack and esp and speedhack features! Scum Esp Scum ESP is another important feature to include in your list to survive in this excitingly dangerous game. The Scum ESP shows you the enemy location at all times. We display boxes on our Scum Cheats around each player. You can track every player with the box and the name displayed beside them. The Scum ESP cheat can easily help a player to take down whole teams single-handedly as well as enhance battle techniques such as weapon choice depending on the details of the opponent. Scum Aimbot Our Scum Aimbot is included in most of our Scum hacks, both internal and external. The Aimbot we offer in most of our hacks is very precise and even has bullet drop calculations. Aimbots are a classic cheat in any shooter game and they’re probably the deadliest of the lot. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that they’re the most sough...